Music to Me

Music is an extremely focal part of my life and something that can change my mood in an instant. I like many genres of music, almost all of them, my favorites being indie, rock, some pop, jazz, blues, alternative, and some hip-hop. Music has a very big influence on my life. I'm always looking for new genres and new music and new lyrics I relate to. As soon as I get home, my earbuds are in while I'm doing homework, and while I'm walking from class to class, music is constantly playing. I share music with other people and receive recommendations, and also make my own based on the influence I get from the music I listen to. Music is a way for me to hold onto my sense of self and happiness when something stressful is going on in my life (which is all the time) and a way for me to express myself and my feelings. One of the best parts of music is the lyrics. I always enjoy well-written lyrics and try to use songs to apply to every situation. Hearing l...