Status With Media: Less Complicated

Throughout this semester, my relationship with media has definitely changed. I have become more aware of the subtle messages that media sends us, and have become aware of the different techniques they use. The concepts we learn about in class, from fallacies to advertising techniques are all something that I am now hyper-aware of. Whenever I see an ad, a billboard, or walk into a store, I observe more carefully than I did before the implicit messages that the company is sending. Though I was observant of media before and tried to not be susceptible to advertising, now I am more aware and therefore I can truly be aware of the inherent messages media is sending to me. Therefore, I don't feel as though I'm as easily influenced as I was at the beginning of the semester. I was relatively unaware in comparison to the knowledge I have gained now. I feel as though I armed with weapons of knowledge to navigate the media driven world that we live in now. ...